Quizzes & Miscellaneous Assignments (20%, 200 pts.)
- Weekly quizzes on course readings and/or screenings. Late submissions are not allowed.
- Any additional assignments throughout the semester.
2 Midterm Exams (each worth 25%, 250 pts.) IN CLASS on 2/7 and 3/3
- Exams will be comprised of various types of questions/prompts, including multiple-choice, true/false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank.
- Each exam will cover material from course readings, lectures, and screening/media content.
- The exam will be addressed at least one week before the due-date. No make-up exams are allowed without pre-approval.
Final Exam (30%, 300 pts.) FINAL EXAM PERIOD (4/21-4/28)
- The exam will include question/prompt formats similar to the midterm exams.
- Unlike the midterm exams, the final exam is longer and comprehensive in nature, although a disproportionate amount of questions (60-70%) will be devoted to content covered during the final third of the course.
- The exam will be addressed at least one week before the due-date. No make-up exams are allowed without pre-approval.