Format Guidelines For All Assignments [Formatting Example]

File format: PDF

File name: “Last Name First Name – Assignment Name” (e.g. “CannonKris-Media Use Journal.pdf”)

Document structure/format: Begin with a cover page (including pertinent information like the assignment title, your name, the course name and my name). Your entire document should be double-spaced and use a 12-pt. font.

Proposal Assignment 1: Group Project Application Summary [40 pts.]
DUE 11/14 – Submitted (by one group member) on Blackboard before class begins

This assignment requires you to begin working on your group project—a mobile application proposal.

For this assignment, your group will need to do the following:

  • Review the Mobile Application Proposal Guidelines.
  • Determine the type of application your group will address in the proposal.
  • Provide information about the product specifications (Proposal Component 2.1).
  • Provide a group-based process reflection (See Miscellaneous Submissions 1).

Proposal Assignment 2: Group Project Application Use-Cases [40 pts.]
DUE 11/21 – Submitted (individually) on Blackboard before class begins

Each group member will submit Proposal Assignment #2 individually. You should talk among your group members to be sure you are not duplicating the work of others (especially when asked to review competing products).

Part 1: Each group member should submit a sample “description of use” for your application (Proposal Component 2.2). This description should account for the application features your group addressed in Proposal Assignment #1.

Part 2: Each group member should provide a summary about one competitor (or similar product within your application category). These summaries will be integrated into Proposal Component 3. This summary can include information about product features, limitations (especially those noted in customer reviews), and, optionally, notes about how your product differs from this competitor.

Proposal Assignment 3: Individual Process Reflection 1 [20 pts.]
DUE 12/1 – Submitted (individually) on Blackboard before class begins

Each group member will submit a reflection/assessment about the group project. This reflection will be in the form of a questionnaire on Blackboard. It will require you to describe what you have contributed to the collaboration process and assess the contributions of your group members.

Proposal Assignment 4: Group Project – Target Market & Application Update(s) [40 pts.]
DUE 12/1 – Submitted (by one group member) on Blackboard before class begins

For this short writing assignment, your group should do the following:

  • Part 1: Provide information about the target market for your application (See Proposal Component 4)
  • Part 2: Include a brief update (bullet points are fine) of changes you have made (or are making) to your product specifications (See Proposal Component 2.1).
  • Part 3: Note any changes your group has made to your schedule/timeline and if any changes need to be made for your initial risk summary in Proposal Assignment #1. (See Miscellaneous Submissions 3 & 4).
  • Review Mobile Application Proposal Guidelines, especially:
    • Potential resources for UI design.
    • Notes about where assignments can be integrated in the final proposal.

Proposal Assignment 5: Group Project Application Sample Customer Response [40 pts.]
DUE 12/5 – Submitted (individually) on Blackboard before class begins

Each group member will submit Proposal Assignment #5 individually.

Each group member should submit information collected from a sample customer/client who fits the target demographic your group designated in Proposal Assignment #4. Your assignment should include the information and responses from this sample customer/client based upon information detailed in Project Component 5.

Proposal Assignment 6: Individual Process Reflection 2 [20 pts.]
DUE 12/12 – Submitted (individually) on Blackboard by 12:00pm.

Each group member will submit a final reflection/assessment about the group project.

In one paragraph, provide a final assessment about all group work. Include information about your contributions as well as a brief assessment about the contributions of each group member. The assessment should include information about contributions to group meetings/collaborations, the pitch/presentation, and the final proposal.