(9/7 Fall Classes Begin)

9/7 Course Syllabus & Introductions

COMPLETE: Media Consumption Survey


9/8 Introduction: What is “Media Industry Studies?”

DISCUSS: Media Consumption Survey


9/12 Introduction: What is “Media Industry Studies?”

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 1: Understanding Media Industries.”

DISCUSS: Short Writing Assignment #1 & Media Companies


9/14 Introduction: The Industrialization of Culture

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 2: The Industrialization of Culture Framework and Key Economic Concepts.”


9/15 Introduction: Industrial Identity & Corporate Image

READ: Brookey, “The Digital Auteur: Branding Identity on the Monsters, Inc. DVD.”


9/19 Discussion: Industrial Identity & Corporate Image

DUE: Short Writing Assignment # 1


9/21 Media Industry Mandates

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 3: Media Industry Mandates.”


9/22 Introduction: What are “New” Media Industries?

READ: Smith & Hendricks, “New Media: New Technology, New Ideas or New Headaches” in Hendricks, The Twenty-First-Century Media Industry: Economic and Managerial Implications in the Age of New Media (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010), 3-22.

  • (background) Manovich, “‘What is new media?‘ in The Language of New Media (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002).


9/26 Technological Conditions in (New) Media Industries

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 6: Technological Conditions of the Media Industries.”


(9/27 Last day to drop Fall classes without a “W” grade)

9/28 Digitization in (New) Media Industries

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 9: “Digitization.”

DISCUSS: Short Writing Assignment #2 & Industry Publications


9/29 Digitization in (New) Media Industries


10/3 Print Media Industry: Just Kindle for the Fire?

DUE: Short Writing Assignment # 2



10/5 Radio & Recorded Music Industries

READ: Bellamy & Gross, “The First Domino: The Recorded Music Industry and New Technology,” in Hendricks, The Twenty-First-Century Media Industry: (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010).


10/6 Regulatory Conditions in Media Industries

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 4: Regulation of the Media Industries.”


10/10 Columbus Day, NO CLASSES

VIEW (outside class): Rip! A Remix Manifesto (Gaylor, 2009, 85’)


10/12 Regulatory Conditions: © and Impacts to Industries/Formats

DISCUSS: Rip! A Remix Manifesto (Gaylor, 2009, 85’)


10/13 Economic Conditions in Media Industries

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 5: Economic Conditions in the Media Production.”


10/17 DUE: Short Writing Assignment # 3


10/19 Film & Television Industries: Distribution & Aggregation

READ: Havens & Lotz, “Chapter 8: Media Distribution and Aggregation Practices.”


10/20 Technological Change: Film, TV, & Digital Streaming

READ: Perren, “Business as Unusual: Conglomerate-Sized Challenges for Film and Television in the Digital Arena,” Journal of Popular Film and Television 38.2 (2010): 72-78.

  • (background) Owen, ‘The tragedy of broadcast regulation’ in The Internet Challenge to Television (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), reprinted in Hassan, The New Media Theory Reader.


10/24 Technological Change: Film, TV, & Digital Streaming

READ: Lotz, “Channel Bundles Persist—for Now—Despite Digital Disruption.”


10/26 Technological Changes Review

In-Class Group Exercise: Pitching a Company to Purchase a Product


10/27 Technological Changes Review

In-Class Group Exercise: Pitching a Company to Purchase a Product


10/31 Media Interactivity

DUE: Short Writing Assignment # 4

READ: Everett, “Digitextuality and Click Theory: Theses on Convergence Media in the Digital Age,” from New Media: Theories and Practices of Digitextuality.


11/2 Computers, the Internet, & Interactivity

BRING: A summary of your web-browsing during one day. Divide your summary to indicate what you browse on a laptop/PC and what you browse on mobile devices. Aim for each summary to include two pieces of information: 1) categories for the types of sites your visit (e.g. social networks based on their purpose, sites where you consumer media, sites where you read content); and 2) some sort of summary indicating why you switch between different types of sites (e.g. from e-mail to Facebook, from Blackboard to Buzzfeed).


11/3 Digital Interactivity & the Interface

DISCUSS: Mobile Application Proposal [PDF]


11/7 Video Games Industries

READ: Straubhaar et al., “The Game Industry,” from Media Now.

  • (optional) Dymek, “Video Games: A Subcultural Industry” and O’donnell, “The North American Game Industry,” in Zackariasson & Wilson, The Video Game Industry: Formation, Present State, and Future.


11/9 Video Games Industries

READ: Yee, “Labor of Fun.”

  • (optional) de Peuter & Dyer-Witheford, “A Playful Multitude? Mobilising and Counter-Mobilising Immaterial Game Labour,” in fibre culture 5.


11/10 Digital Interactivity & Gamification

DUE: Short Writing Assignment # 5


11/14 Social Network Industries

DUE: Proposal Assignment # 1

READ: Qualman, “Chapter 1: Word of Mouth Goes World of Mouth,” from Socialnomics.


11/16 Social Network Industries & Shareable Goods

READ: Benkler, “Sharing Nicely: On Shareable Goods and the Emergence of Sharing as a Modality of Economic Production,” in Mandiberg (Ed.) The Social Media Reader.


11/17 Socialization & Shareable Goods


11/21 Spreadable/Sticky Media (Industries)

DUE: Proposal Assignment # 2 &

READ: Jenkins, Ford, and Green, “Introduction: Why Media Spreads,” from Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture (New York: New York University Press, 2013)


11/23 – 11/25 Thanksgiving Recess, NO CLASSES


11/28 Mobile Technologies: Personalized & Portable Digital Economies

READ: Bolin, “Personal Media in the Digital Economy,” in Snickars & Vonderau, Moving Data: The iPhone and the Future of Media.


11/30 Mobile Technologies: Spreadable & Sticky Digital Technologies

READ: Cannon & Barker, “Hard Candy,” in Snickars & Vonderau, Moving Data: The iPhone and the Future of Media.


12/1 Presentation Preparation

DUE: Proposal Assignment # 3 & # 4


12/5 Group Presentations

DUE: Proposal Assignment # 5


(12/7 Last Day of Fall Classes)

12/7 Group Presentations


(12/8 Last day to drop Fall classes with a “W” grade ; 12/8 Reading Day ; 12/9-12/16 Final Exams)


DUE: Final “Mobile Application Proposal,” uploaded to Blackboard by 12:00pm.

DUE: Proposal Assignment #6, uploaded to Blackboard by 12:00pm.