(5/9 Summer1 Classes Begin)
5/9 Course Introduction
5/10 Introduction: Why Study Media?
READ: Smith, “Chapter 1: ‘It’s Just a Movie’: Why You Should Analyze Film and Television.”
5/11 Introduction: Media & Convergence
READ: Pavlik & McIntosh, Converging Media: A New Introduction to Mass Communication, fifth edition: 3-35.
DISCUSS: Media Use Journal Assignment
5/12 Introduction: Cultural Studies of (New) Media
READ: du Gay, et al. “Introduction to the First Edition” & “Introduction to the Second Edition” from Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman, second edition (Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications: 2013).
- (background) Baym, “Making New Media Make Sense,” from Personal Connections in the Digital Age: 22-49.
5/16 Making Sense of the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 1.1 to 1.2, pp. 1-7 [Chapter 1 PDF]
- Bruno Latour, “Technology is society made durable” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 112)
5/17 Making Sense of the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 1.3-1.5, pp. 7-12
- Stuart Hall, “Encoding/Decoding.”
5/18 Making Sense of the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 1.6-1.7, pp. 13-20
- Axel Bruns, “Produsage: Towards a Broader Framework for User-Led Content Creation” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 117)
- Walter Benjamin, “The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 122)
- Raymond Williams, “Mobile privatization” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 126)
5/19 Making Sense of the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 1.8-1.9, pp. 20-35.
- Ana Andjelic, “Time to rewrite the brand playbook for the digital” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 128)
(5/22 Last day to drop Summer1 classes without a “W” grade)
5/23 Production Case Study: South Park
DUE: Media Use Journal
South Park, “HUMANCENTiPAD,” (S15E01, 2011, 21′)
5/24 Production Case Study: South Park
The Making of South Park: 6 Days to Air (2011, 42′)
5/25 Producing the Sony Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 2.1-2.3, pp. 37-46.
- Nick Lyons, “Scratching a global dream” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 130)
- Shu Ueyama, “The selling of the ‘Walkman’” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 131)
5/26 Producing the Sony Walkman (for Consumers)
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 2.4, pp. 46-54.
5/30 Memorial Day, NO CLASSES
5/31 Designing the Walkman
DISCUSS: Midterm Exam [PDF]
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 3.1-3.3, pp. 56-64.
- Thomas A. Harvey, “How Sony Corporation became first with kids” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 133)
- Lev Manovich, “There is Only Software” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 136)
6/1 Designing the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 3.4, pp. 64-69.
6/2 Media/Technology Design — Case Study
READ: Cannon & Barker, “Hard Candy.”
6/7 Media & Globalization Case Study: Pokémon
Pokémon, “Pokémon, I Choose You!” (1998, 20′); South Park, “Chinpokomon,” (1999, 22’)
6/8 Media & Globalization Case Study: Pokémon
READ: Iwabuchi, “How ‘Japanese’ is Pokémon?” in Tobin, Pikachu’s Global Adventure.
6/9 Sony as Global Media Firm
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 4, pp. 71-77.
- Jonathan Zittrain, “The Personal Computer Is Dead” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 139)
6/13 Consuming the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 5.1-5.2.2, pp. 79-89.
- Rey Chow, “Listening otherwise, music miniaturized: a different type of question about revolution” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 142)
6/14 Consuming the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 5.2.2 Back to the Future, pp. 89-90.
- Ross Kaminsky, “Iran´s Twitter Revolution” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 150)
- Tim O´Reilly, “What Is Web 2.0” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 152)
- Mirko Tobias Schäfer, “Bastard Culture! How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 157)
6/15 Consuming the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 5.2.3-5.2.5, pp. 91-102.
- Lain Chambers, “A miniature history of the Walkman” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp.161)
6/20 Consuming Media Case Study
6/21 Regulating the Walkman
READ: Doing Cultural Studies 6, pp. 104-111.
- Vincent Jackson, “Menace II society” (Doing Cultural Studies, pp. 164)
6/22 Regulating Media — Case Study
6/25 Final Exam Due (Uploaded to Blackboard by 5pm).
Final Exam [PDF Format] [DOCX Format]
(6/23 Last Day of Summer1 Classes; 6/26 Last day to drop Summer1 classes with a “W” grade)